Becoming a "Yes Man"

"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons" ~from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot.

Prufrock's "song" is a confession of a soul in torment, However, Prufrock's sins are errors of omission and inaction rather than of commission. In order to change ourselves we need to step out of our comfort zone, to try something new, to say yes to offers instead of saying no. Several weeks ago my husband and I watched the movie "Yes Man". I thought it was going to be another one of those typical nonsensical Jim Carrey movies or a situation where magic was the impetus for change. I was happy to discover that the key to the main character's transformation was something simple that everyone can apply to their own lives--say yes to every request, invitation, and opportunity. Of course, this must be tempered with common sense, but by opening ourselves up to experiences we would have otherwise avoided we bring new things into our lives and grow as human beings.
4/17 - Visited the Concrete Lady in Jeffersonville, IN. Purchased "Buddha" legs for the bench in my oriental garden.
4/30 - Purchased herbs, vegetable plants and elephant ears bulbs at Bunton's Seed in Louisville, KY.